Archive for category: Planning

Town Planner Stephen Motti reaches 30 years


July 31, 2024

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BM Team, Community, Planning

Brazier Motti Director and Senior Town Planner Stephen Motti

We’re celebrating a significant milestone this July for our Director and Senior Town Planner Stephen Motti. This month marks 30-years since Stephen joined the Brazier Motti team.

Over this time, Stephen has made an impressive contribution to Northern Australia and our industry. His extensive experience has helped shape our region, bringing his expertise to countless projects of all sizes. He has also been an active member of the business community, town planning discipline, and the property industry during this time. He is currently Chair of the Townsville Fire WNBL team and has an extensive history of involvement with the Planning Instute of Australia, the Property Council of Australia, as well as many other local and industry organisations.

Stephen is a passionate advocate for Northern Australia. His expertise, experience, and local knowledge has been an important parts of many projects across the North.

Congratulations Stephen on this impressive achievement! We look forward to many more years of Stephen’s contribution and leadership, at Brazier Motti and in our community.

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New Planning regulations introduced


September 4, 2020

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Admin, Planning

The Mandatory Planning (Walkable Neighbourhoods) Amendment Regulation 2020 has now been introduced by the Queensland Government. This new Regulation comes into effect from the 28th of September, creating new requirements for the subdivision of land.

Under the legislation, new benchmarks requirements have been created, including:

  • Grid like patterns that respond to the local landscape
  • A maximum street of less than 250m
  • A minimum of one tree every 15m
  • Footpaths on at least one side of the road
  • Parks and open space within 400m of each block

There is some flexibility where the local landscape affects the ability to meet these requirements.

Our experienced Brazier Motti planning team have a comprehensive understanding of these new requirements and are ready to discuss how it might affect your project and how we can help you achieve workable solutions.

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Successful Defence supply chain grant


June 30, 2020

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Admin, BM Team, Planning, Survey, Uncategorized

We’re very pleased to have been successful in receiving funding to help compete for national and international defence industry contracts.

Defence is such a big part of the Townsville and Northern Australia community – we’re hoping to grow our role as part of this supply chain.

Thank you to the Queensland Government for this opportunity!

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BM Town Planner part of 500 Women in Property


April 14, 2019

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Community, Planning

We’re pleased to announce that our Town Planner Mary McCarthy is a participant in the Property Council of Australia’s (PCA) 500 Women in Property Programme for 2019.

This fantastic programme, an initiative of the PCA’s Diversity Committee, offers professional development and networking opportunities across all disciplines in the development industry, to help foster future leaders in our industry.  

Mary is one of a number of energetic and engaged professionals that we are fortunate to have in the BM team.

As an emerging leader in the property development industry, our Director Stephen Motti was proud to sponsor her involvement in the Programme to assist in her contribution to the town planning profession and the debates that matter in developing Northern Australia.

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Recipient announced – 2019 Susan Green Pathway to Planning Profession Programme


April 11, 2019

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Community, Planning

We’re pleased to announce the recipient of the 2019 Susan Green “Pathway to the Planning Profession Programme” – Nicholas Griffin.

This Programme will provide Nicholas, as a final year James Cook University Planning student, with a work placement with Brazier Motti, attend two planning industry networking events, a one year Young Planner membership of the Planning Institute of Australia, and membership on the Planning Institute of Australia’s North Queensland Young Planner Sub-committee.

We’re proud to be able to deliver this opportunity, created in the memory of our colleague Susan Green, in partnership with the Planning Institute of Australia’s North Queensland branch and James Cook University.

We were thrilled to receive a range of outstanding applications. Nicholas, along with the other impressive finalists Sonya Parison, Sarah Gibson and Matthew Abel, demonstrated a clear understanding of the role of Town Planners in creating a sense of place and in building better communities.

We look forward to working with Nicholas over the coming year as he takes this next step in his Planning career.

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