Archive for 2022

Opportunities for Registration and Cadastral Endorsement


August 23, 2022

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Our Cairns and Townsville offices have vacancies in their Survey teams. We welcome applications from those who are Registered or wish to obtain Cadastral endorsement.

Our senior team of experienced Registered Cadastral and Engineering Surveyors are looking to assist the next generation of Surveyors.

If you are a local or looking to relocate and have the desire to further your survey experience and qualifications, we want to hear from you.

Our privately owned firm has been operating in QLD for over 70 years. 

We will tailor the role, remuneration and conditions to suit successful applicants.

Our staff, their families, our clients and the communities in which we live and work are not just part of our mission statement – they are the reason we do what we do.

If you’re interested in in applying, you can contact us through the following channels to enter into a confidential dialogue with an owner of the firm
or by calling (07) 4772 1144

or by calling (07) 4054 0400

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Supporting economic growth


July 16, 2022

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Admin, BM Team, Uncategorized

Brazier Motti is pleased to be involved with North Queensland’s new Designated Area Migration Agreement. This initiative is being led by the region’s Economic Development organisation Townsville Enterprise.

Townsville is growing. Now the region needs to grow its skilled workforce to help deliver key services. This new initiative will allow access to a new migration pathway to help fill critical positions that can’t be found locally so that our economy can continue to grow.

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Applications open – Cairns Survey Manager


May 30, 2022

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We’re looking for a Manager for our Cairns Survey team.

If you would like to lead our Survey team as we create opportunities for Far North Queensland projects, apply directly via or by calling (07) 4054 0400.

Our staff, their families, our clients and the communities in which we live and work are not just part of our mission statement – they are the reason we do what we do. If you have the desire to lead our great team, we want to hear from you!

For more information, visit our Seek job advertisement here.

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