Articles by: admin

New Planning regulations introduced


September 4, 2020

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Admin, Planning

The Mandatory Planning (Walkable Neighbourhoods) Amendment Regulation 2020 has now been introduced by the Queensland Government. This new Regulation comes into effect from the 28th of September, creating new requirements for the subdivision of land.

Under the legislation, new benchmarks requirements have been created, including:

  • Grid like patterns that respond to the local landscape
  • A maximum street of less than 250m
  • A minimum of one tree every 15m
  • Footpaths on at least one side of the road
  • Parks and open space within 400m of each block

There is some flexibility where the local landscape affects the ability to meet these requirements.

Our experienced Brazier Motti planning team have a comprehensive understanding of these new requirements and are ready to discuss how it might affect your project and how we can help you achieve workable solutions.

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Regional areas set to grow


August 26, 2020

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Initial signs are positive for Townsville’s property market, which is experiencing a bounce following the impact of COVID-19. Government first home builders’ grants have led to a surge in demand for new homes with developers around the city reporting significant increases in demand.

The promising short-term boost has come as demographers are forecasting that COVID-19 might increase a trend in population shift to regional Australia. It’s anticipated that regional cities could benefit from economic and community changes resulting from the pandemic, including remote work arrangements becoming more popular, domestic manufacturing growing, and more people looking for less densely populated areas.

This may prove to be accelerating an existing trend, with the Regional Australia Institute releasing a report in June finding that contrary to expectations, regional areas had a net gain in population from the capital cities between 2011 and 2016. The report found the key drivers for movement to regional areas were mining employment opportunities, affordability, and lifestyle.

With a great lifestyle and access to key economic drivers including agriculture, mining and tourism, North and Far North Queensland is ready to play its part.

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Join the BM team


August 22, 2020

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BM Team

Brazier Motti is looking for new members to join our diverse team. Opportunities are available in both our Cairns and Townsville offices.

Our culture is key to our longevity and the relationships we have with our staff, peers and clients. If you would like an opportunity to work for our firm in one of the following positions, find out more about the requirements and contact us through the relevant Seek position profile:



Management Accountant

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Successful Defence supply chain grant


June 30, 2020

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Admin, BM Team, Planning, Survey, Uncategorized

We’re very pleased to have been successful in receiving funding to help compete for national and international defence industry contracts.

Defence is such a big part of the Townsville and Northern Australia community – we’re hoping to grow our role as part of this supply chain.

Thank you to the Queensland Government for this opportunity!

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BM COVID-19 Update


March 20, 2020

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At Brazier Motti, it remains business…if not business as usual.

We understand the importance of your project being delivered. We have local staff with great capacity and experience who can add value to your project team.

We are set up remotely to review your feasibilities, undertake your surveys, complete your plans, and secure your town planning approvals. We also have team members trained in infection control specific to COVID-19 to ensure we can provide a safe office for our staff and clients.

Please contact us via our Townsville, Cairns or Burdekin office on:

Cairns – or 4054 0400
Townsville – or 4772 1144
Burdekin – or 4783 5766

For existing clients, you can also contact your Project Manager directly on their email and mobile.

We look forward to working with you and providing the platform for the months ahead.

We would like to wish everyone the best of health and organisational stability at this point in time and assure all our clients and peers that we are operating as normal and look forward to continue to do so. Contact us today and we can keep your project moving.

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