Articles by: admin

Brazier Motti part of the local team undertaking feasibility study for Hells Gates Dam


May 25, 2017

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Planning, Survey

Brazier Motti is part of the consortium of Townsville businesses, led by national engineering and development consultants SMEC, chosen to undertake a detailed feasibility study for the proposed Hells Gates Dam.

As a truly local firm, originating in North Queensland over 60 years ago and today, employing up to 100 staff throughout regional QLD, Brazier Motti is proud to work with SMEC and other local firms on this important initiative.

Project managed by Townsville Enterprise and funded by the Federal Government’s National Water Infrastructure Development Fund, the study’s goal is to determine if the Dam, is feasible on an engineering, environmental and economic basis.

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Pre-Qualified for a Range of Federal, State & Local Government Work


September 12, 2016

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Planning, Survey

  • We are truly local and know our community and this region.
  • We have over 60 years’ experience in delivering survey and planning services on projects of all levels of complexity across Northern Australia.
  • We provide leadership in our industry and are active corporate citizens, investing in our people and in our home community.
  • We have a skilled and resourced staff of close to 100 people across the North who are able to readily respond to your needs.
  • We hold Certifications and Pre-qualifications to be able to conduct a range of Federal, State and Local Government work, avoiding protracted start-up delays or the need for external mobilisation.
  • We deliver professional results in the format you need to deliver your project on time and in budget.

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Peter Murphy inducted as a SSSI Fellow


December 15, 2015

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Planning, Survey

Brazier Motti – Survey Discipline Manager and Director, Peter Murphy was inducted as a SSSI Fellow (QLD Region and Land Surveying Commission) at the QLD Northern Region Conference on 29 October 2015. The following is a brief excerpt from his citation:

“Peter Murphy’s professionalism, integrity and leadership skills have been of immense benefit to the profession in his various elected positions within the previous Institute of Surveyors, Australia (Queensland Division) and the Surveying and Spatial Sciences Institute (SSSI). Peter has made a lasting difference to the surveying and spatial sciences profession by his leadership and contribution and he continues to serve his profession, his Institute and his community with pride, dedication and enthusiasm. The decision to elect him as a Fellow of the SSSI is in recognition of his substantial contribution to the benefit and future prosperity of the Surveying and Spatial Sciences profession.”

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Townsville City Council’s new City Plan


November 10, 2014

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Planning, Survey

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Townsville City Council’s new City Plan was gazetted and is effective as of 27 October 2014. The Townsville City Plan supersedes the old schemes of the former Townsville and Thuringowa Councils. The new plan sets the direction for the growth of Townsville over the next 25 years and strives to encourage development and economic growth.


The plan changes some levels of assessment and planning provisions in certain areas.  The Townville City Plan also encourages development in the CBD and provides some flexibility to support this.


If you have any questions about how the Townsville City Plan affects your property or development options please do not hesitate to contact one of our experienced Town Planners who will be more than happy to assist.

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AS/NZS 4801:2001 & ISO 14001:2004 to go with ISO 9001:2008


November 6, 2014

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Planning, Survey

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In September of 2014, Brazier Motti became certified with a AS/NZS 4801:2001 Occupational Health & Safety Management System and a ISO 14001:2004 Environmental Management System. These two new registrations were in addition to the existing ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System certification and contribute to our vision of being Northern Australia’s premier Surveying and Planning Consultancy.

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