Archive for category: BM Team

Join the BM team


August 22, 2020

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BM Team

Brazier Motti is looking for new members to join our diverse team. Opportunities are available in both our Cairns and Townsville offices.

Our culture is key to our longevity and the relationships we have with our staff, peers and clients. If you would like an opportunity to work for our firm in one of the following positions, find out more about the requirements and contact us through the relevant Seek position profile:



Management Accountant

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Successful Defence supply chain grant


June 30, 2020

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Admin, BM Team, Planning, Survey, Uncategorized

We’re very pleased to have been successful in receiving funding to help compete for national and international defence industry contracts.

Defence is such a big part of the Townsville and Northern Australia community – we’re hoping to grow our role as part of this supply chain.

Thank you to the Queensland Government for this opportunity!

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Farewell Graham Ward


October 20, 2019

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BM Team, Community, Survey

In September, the BM team celebrated the 39-year career of Graham Ward, who joined us in 1980 as a Graduate Surveyor and leaves us to embark on a well-earned retirement. As a local business, it’s a real privilege to have someone choose to spend their entire career with our team and we’ve been fortunate to have Graham stay with our business for such a long time.

Across his career with BM, Graham applied his craft to the north in all environments. He was instrumental in pioneering survey work associated with the location of the Great Barrier Reef Floating Hotel and took the lead in many other signature projects including the Imax and Reef Wonderland development, Nelly Bay harbour, and many residential estates and unit developments across the City.

His contribution to defining and shaping BM has been significant. His leadership and contribution to the industry and survey profession is also unquestioned, quite rightly inducted as a SSSI Fellow 2017.

By the numbers, we estimate Graham has been responsible for at least:
– 9,200 work days
– Over 8,200 discrete job instructions

Graham has made a huge contribution to helping BM become the business it is today – a true expert, highly professional, resolutely fair, greatly committed, a giver of knowledge.

Congratulations on a fantastic career, Graham! We’re proud to have been a part of it and thankful for your significant contribution to our team!

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